Download Dragon Obsession by Amelia Jade (.ePUB)+

Dragon Obsession by Amelia Jade (Onyx Dragons #2)
Requirements: .ePUB / .AZW3 Reader | 493 KB
Overview: Katheryn Pine has returned home to heal her heart and her body. Broken and betrayed, she isn’t looking for love. She only wants to regain her independence. To live the life of her dreams, she needs to strengthen her body and find a good job. She’s done with relying on a man, even someone as hunky as dragon shifter Callan.

Onyx dragon Callan has spent centuries amassing his treasure. He’s awoken from a deep slumber by a powerful government who refuses to give his treasure back unless he fights the Outsiders. He’s furious. The treasure is his and he intends to give it to his mate. Determined to learn more about the world he’s being forced to defend, he ventures into the city where he meets a smart, funny, and beautiful woman.

While Katy focuses on her health, Callan mourns a centuries’ old wound. Neither is ready to love, but as the bond grows between them, so does the potential for it all to go wrong. Scared by how fast it’s moving, Katy tries to put on the brakes, but Callan has found his true mate and he’ll do whatever it takes to claim her.
Genre: Romance, Paranormal


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