Download Dragon Mage Chronicles Omnibus by Aimee Easterling (.ePUB)

Dragon Mage Chronicles Omnibus by Aimee Easterling
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 619kb
Overview: Three dragon shifters. Three elemental witches. Three stories "full of excitement and adventure."

Fire mage Fee cut her teeth on tales of dragons’ dastardliness. So she willingly straps explosives to her belly and sets off to infiltrate the home base of the shifters who rule over all mankind.

Peaceful earth mage Amber finds a dragon in her garden and is faced with defending her enclave of illegal magic users with every weapon at her disposal…up to and including the use of deadly force.

And wind witch Sabrina butts up against a dragon’s honor as she chooses between shielding precious friendships and allowing layer upon layer of deceit to finish turning her family name to mud.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Included :

    Incendiary Magic
    Verdant Magic
    Cerulean Magic
    Bonus Shorts

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