Download Dracula: Rise Of The Beast by David Thomas Moore (.ePUB)

Dracula: Rise Of The Beast by David Thomas Moore (Editor)(list of authors below)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 477 kB
Overview: Anthology of stories exploring the secret history of the world’s most iconic monster
That the cruel, ambitious monster of Bram Stoker’s most famous novel was once Vlad III Dracula, Voivode of Wallachia – the Impaler, to his enemies – is known. A warleader in a warlike time: brilliant, charismatic, pious, ferociously devoted to his country. But what came of him? What drove him to become a creature of darkness – an Un-Dead – and what use did he make of this power, through the centuries before his downfall?
Decades after the monster’s death, Jonathan and Mina Harker’s son Quincey pieces together the story: dusty old manuscripts, court reports from the Holy Roman Empire at its height, oral traditions among the Szgany Roma people who once served the monster.
Genre: Horror


The Souls of Those Gone Astray From the Path by Bogi Takács
Noblesse Oblige by Adrian Tchaikovsky
A Stake Too Far by Milena Benini
Children of the Night by Emil Minchev
The Woman by Caren Gussoff Sumption

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