Download Strange Temple by John Lilley (.ePUB)

Strange Temple by John Lilley
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 450 KB
Overview: The end is coming for humans on planet earth. It’s 2017, overconsumption and overpopulation has led to all of the current environmental problems and has brought about the sixth mass extinction; where 50% of land vertebrate species have become extinct in that last 40 years. We are already being warned of an imminent human population increase of another 3 billion. Yet, we are only just starting to see this as a problem, mainly because it will be bad for business. The reality is that we are already screwed.
Strange Temple takes an often humorous visit to the Earth two hundred years from now, after the big die-back of 2095, where the climate is moving towards a much hotter, but stable extreme. The few groups of remaining humans are governed by AI’s, some more stable than others. Will they succeed in reversing the run-away warming cycle, and if they do, what kind of human will go forward into the new world?
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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