Download Double Take by Brenda Joyce (.ePUB)

Double Take by Brenda Joyce
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 327 KB
Overview: Kait London has been estranged from her twin sister for years. She has never understood why and has always regretted it. When her phone rings in the middle of the night, Kait learns that Lana desperately needs her help. All Kait has to do is take her place, for two days, at her home in the horse country of Virginia. If Kate can play this role convincingly enough, she will save Lana’s life…

This is a game the twins have played before. But never like this. For the charade is much more difficult to pull off than when they were children. Lana has many secrets, secrets she has kept from everyone, including Kait-and she has as many enemies, including her own husband. Kait hadn’t been expecting Trev Coleman to be in residence. Worse, she is soon forced to recognize how darkly seductive he is-and that he may very well be her worst enemy. Then she discovers that someone is deliberately stalking Lana, but Kait is the trapped prey…
Genre: Romantic Suspense


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