Download Don Tillman series by Graeme Simsion (.ePUB)

Don Tillman series by Graeme Simsion (Books 1-2)
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Overview: Graeme Simsion is a former information technology and business consultant, who specialized in data modeling, information management and consulting practices. Prior to writing fiction he was an information systems consultant and wrote two books and several papers about data-modelling. He is now a full time writer of fiction.
Genre: Humour/Romance

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The Rosie Project: Don Tillman, professor of genetics, has never been on a second date. He is a man who can count all his friends on the fingers of one hand, whose lifelong difficulty with social rituals has convinced him that he is simply not wired for romance. So when an acquaintance informs him that he would make a “wonderful” husband, his first reaction is shock. Yet he must concede to the statistical probability that there is someone for everyone, and he embarks upon The Wife Project. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which he approaches all things, Don sets out to find the perfect partner. She will be punctual and logical—most definitely not a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker, or a late-arriver.

The Rosie Effect: The Wife Project is complete, and Don and Rosie are happily married and living in New York. But they’re about to face a new challenge.
Rosie is pregnant.
Don sets about learning the protocols of becoming a father, but his unusual research style gets him into trouble with the law. Fortunately his best friend Gene is on hand to offer advice: he’s left Claudia and moved in with Don and Rosie.
As Don tries to schedule time for pregnancy research, getting Gene and Claudia back together, servicing the industrial refrigeration unit that occupies half his apartment, helping Dave the Baseball Fan save his business and staying on the right side of Lydia the social worker, he almost misses the biggest problem of all: he might lose Rosie when she needs him most.

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Book 1:
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