Download Battle Mage Farmer Series by Seth Ring (.ePUB)

Battle Mage Farmer Series by Seth Ring (1-5)
Requirements: epub Reader, 755 KB
Overview: Author of the Titan Series, Seth loves writing science fiction and fantasy.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Domestication: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (Battle Mage Farmer Book 1)
A world on the precipice of the apocalypse. A secret forged in the flames of war. A chance to start over.
For John Sutton, only one of those three things matters.
Retired from a decade of brutal war, he wants nothing more than a quiet pastoral life while he does his best to stem the steady increase of his Doom Points before they hit 100, signaling the start of the end.
He’s been given a small farm on the outskirts of the empire as a thanks for his service, but no matter how far he travels, it’s impossible to escape the war’s devastating effects on the world.
Bandits, suspicious townsfolk, a mysterious pair of siblings, and a secret that lurks in the mountains all threaten John’s peace. It will take all of his considerable power to keep from burning everything to the ground.
Don’t miss the start of the next great Fantasy LitRPG Series by Seth Ring, author of Nova Terra. Grab your copy today and explore a world whose secrets have been buried under decades of war.
About the Series: Mixing slice-of-life with epic fantasy action, mystery, magic, cultivation, and a broken game system that seems determined to make everything as hard as possible for the already overpowered protagonist, this LitRPG/GameLit series is perfect for readers who enjoy exploring rich worlds and complex characters.
“Domestication blends action, monsters, farming, and apocalyptic quests as it introduces the LitRPG genre to a new era of storytelling. One of my top 10 LitRPG Reads ever!”–Benjamin Kerei, author of Oh, Great! I was Reincarnated as a Farmer.

2. Germination: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (Battle Mage Farmer Book 2)
For John Sutton, things are finally looking up… For now…
The farm is running smoothly, the local bandits have been pacified, and he is starting to understand how magic works. Though none of that will matter if he can’t get his Doom Points under control.
As Ellie seeks to join the ranks of Class Holders, the mystery surrounding her grandmother grows and the two of them set off to discover the truth. But her legacy as a Witch is not the only mystery that needs to be explored. A strange plant is growing in Ferdie’s field, and it’s given John a new quest.
Meanwhile, a secret organization spreading its tendrils of influence throughout the war-weary world is plotting to destroy the fragile peace John fought so hard to achieve. As the shadows that surround this world are peeled back, he’ll need every ounce of wisdom and restraint he has ever possessed to keep from blowing the whole thing up himself.
Don’t miss the continuation of the bestselling Fantasy LitRPG Series by Seth Ring, author of Nova Terra. Get your copy today and explore a world whose secrets have been buried under decades of war.
About the Series: Mixing slice-of-life with epic fantasy action, mystery, magic, cultivation, and a broken game system that seems determined to make everything as hard as possible for the already overpowered protagonist, this LitRPG/GameLit series is perfect for readers who enjoy exploring rich worlds and complex characters

3. Cultivation: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (Battle Mage Farmer Book 3)
With the mystery of the world deepening, John Sutton is running out of time.
The apocalypse is approaching as his Doom Points tick up and John is finding it harder and harder to keep it together. His deepening knowledge of magic seems to be helping but as a hidden society creeps out of the shadows, intent on throwing the world into chaos, it may not be enough.
The only good news seems to be the new crops springing up on his farm. Balancing his growing relationship with Ellie and the increasing productivity of the farm with the impending destruction of everything he fought for, John has no choice but to step back into the limelight, whether he wants to or not.
Don’t miss the continuation of the Bestselling Fantasy LitRPG Series by Seth Ring, author of Nova Terra. Get your copy today and explore a world whose secrets have been buried under decades of war.
About the Series: Mixing slice-of-life with epic fantasy action, mystery, magic, cultivation, and a broken game system that seems determined to make everything as hard as possible for the already overpowered protagonist, this LitRPG/GameLit series is perfect for readers who enjoy exploring rich worlds and complex characters.

4. Fermentation: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (Battle Mage Farmer Book 4)
John has failed. The apocalypse has come.
But it’s been awfully quiet for an apocalypse. After stopping Kythov the Eyeless, John and the gang barely managed to stabilize the world’s mana supply, only sort of poisoning the world in the process. With a farm to run, a valley to develop, and a mysterious door to another dimension to study, John is going to have his hands full.
Even worse, despite the apparent peace, turmoil stirs and ancient threats have begun to surface. When a mysterious tower of mages arrives in the valley, bent on enslaving the people under John’s watch, he and Ellie are forced to take a trip to try and determine if they are friend or foe. At the same time, the powerful new emperor of Allera has ordered his implacable army to raze Lepiera’s capital, where Ben happens to be apprenticing, to the ground.
John’s Doom Points might be gone, but the Apocalypse Points that appeared in their place threaten to blow up everything he has worked so hard to establish.
Book 4 of the bestselling Fantasy LitRPG Series by Seth Ring, author of Nova Terra. Get your copy today and explore a world whose secrets have been buried under decades of war.
About the Series: Mixing slice-of-life with epic fantasy action, mystery, magic, cultivation, and a broken game system that seems determined to make everything as hard as possible for the already overpowered protagonist, this LitRPG/GameLit series is perfect for readers who enjoy exploring rich worlds and complex characters.

5. Transformation: A Fantasy LitRPG Adventure (Battle Mage Farmer Book 5)
Just when John thinks things are finally calming down, the world never fails to throw a new twist his way.
And the latest one is deadly.
A distress call from Katrine has set John on a crash course with a band of vicious dimensional raiders led by a supreme mage who are already planning an invasion, while back home, the clock is ticking on the prophecy of the beast invasion that will wipe humans from the face of the world.
Worse still, John’s mana is growing stronger, forcing him to choose between sealing his mana away and becoming mortal, or destroying the world by his very presence. With the corrosive influence of the dragon, Farroutef, dogging his every step, he is forced to try and broker peace with the mages of New Dawn only to find himself trapped by the mysterious King of Beasts.
Forced into a prison of his own making, John’s options are limited, but luckily, he’s got great friends. Unwilling to leave him to his fate, Ellie decides it’s time to step out and be the hero mounting a rescue attempt with Sigvald and Ferdie.
Book 5 of the bestselling Fantasy LitRPG Series by Seth Ring, author of Nova Terra. Get your copy today and explore a world whose secrets have been buried under decades of war.
About the Series: Mixing slice-of-life with epic fantasy action, mystery, magic, cultivation, and a broken game system that seems determined to make everything as hard as possible for the already overpowered protagonist, this LitRPG/GameLit series is perfect for readers who enjoy exploring rich worlds and complex characters.

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 28th May 2023. Thanks to Annabelle)

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