Download Doctor For The Mafia Boss by Raina Kaufman (.ePUB)

Doctor For The Mafia Boss by Raina Kaufman (Ruthless Mafia Queens Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 677 kB
Overview: My world flipped faster than a pancake on a Sunday morning when a certain mafia queen ended up on my operating table.

I’m a surgeon, slicing and dicing my way through high-profile patients. My love life? Drier than toast without butter. But who needs romance when you have a scalpel, right?

Aria is the stunning, stone-cold mafia queen who practically owns the criminal underworld. Imagine my shock when this lethal beauty lands on my operating table, thanks to a bullet from a gang shootout gone wrong. Cue the dramatic music, because here comes Tony, her brooding right-hand man, dragging her to my ER like a scene straight out of a mob movie.

So there I am, trying to save this fierce mafia boss’s life, and what do I discover? Aria’s got a heart under all that steel, and more secrets than the Vatican’s archives. She’s tough, she’s terrifying, and, oh boy, is she tempting. And I’m just a surgeon who can’t resist a captivating pair of eyes. I start putting together the puzzle pieces of her dangerous world, and suddenly, my perfectly planned, meticulously organized life gets turned upside down.

Aria’s bloodthirsty rival decides to crash our little hospital party. His goons show up, posing as visitors, and I get this funny feeling that they’re not here for the cafeteria food.

Now, between tending to Aria’s wounds and keeping her alive, something unexpected happens—we start to bond. She opens up about her struggles, and I see a side of her that’s hidden from the rest of the world. Turns out, we’re not so different.
Genre: Fiction > Romance FF


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