Download Divided World Series by G.L. Cromarty (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Divided World Series (1-2) by G.L. Cromarty
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 2.7MB
Overview: Born in England, G.L. Cromarty grew up exploring castles and watching Star Wars. As an avid reader, she has been influenced by a wide variety of writers ranging from Tolkien to George R.R. Martin and Anne McCaffrey, and Harry Harrison to Isaac Asimov. Now living in Perth, Western Australia with her husband and two oddball cats, she spends her spare time writing. Divided Serenity is her debut novel.
Genre: Fiction; Sci-fi/Fantasy

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#1 – Divided Serenity
He had waited ten years to take his revenge.

They had waited eons.

Serenity had been divided as far back as the histories tell.

The Aterran settlers live inside the wall with technology. While the native Shadowlanders and the Jaru live outside the wall with none.

Welcome to Serenity.

Ten years have passed since John Tanis tried to kill his best friend Bill Bremmer. Not finishing the job is his only regret. Exiled from Aterra, Tanis has fought for survival and acceptance in the uncivilized Shadowland.

The Shadowlanders and the Jaru live in a perpetual state of war, but when the scattered tribes of the Jaru begin to unite the delicate balance is tipped. Aterra is also suffering, as a native sympathizer uprising decimates cities in a spate of bombing attacks.

Finding technology outside the wall, Tanis is suspicious that his former friend may have a hand in the troubles engulfing his land. He would relish any opportunity to settle that old score, an opportunity that could never happen . . .

Until the day Aterra lost the wall.

#2 – Serenity Falling
Hannah’s work in the mysterious Shadowland is complete. Station 54 is operational and Aterra is once more safe.
There is just one problem . . . no one in Aterra knows, and Bill is determined to proceed with the war.

With the door to Aterra closed, Hannah and the team head to Thale, the largest and most prestigious of the five great fortresses. But the mysterious return of a badly beaten Marcus has everyone uneasy.

The people of Aterra remain ignorant of what is happening beyond their protective wall, and Theo and Nate are determined to uncover what Bill is secretly doing in Shadowland. That will mean infiltrating Bill’s private home. And what they find will leave them questioning who is really to blame for the enduring conflict between Bill Bremmer and John Tanis.

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All Books: (2.7MB)

Book #2: (1.3MB)

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