Download Diomhair series by Raven McAllan (.ePUB)(.PDF)

Diomhair series by Raven McAllan (01-02)
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Overview: Raven lives in Scotland, along with her husband and their two cats (sadly now one cat, Jazz was put out of her pain in December. Smudge now thinks he should have twice as much of everything) —their children having flown the nest—surrounded by beautiful scenery, which inspires a lot of the settings in her books. She is used to sharing her life with the occasional deer, red squirrel, and lost tourist, to say nothing of the scourge of Scotland—the midge. A lover of reading, she appreciates the history inside a book, and the chance to peek into the lives of those from years ago. Raven admits that she enjoys the research for her books almost as much as the writing; so much so, that sometimes she realizes she’s strayed way past the information she needs to know, and not a paragraph has been added to her WIP.
Genre: BDSM Romance

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01. Secrets Shared
They say never share a secret. Sometimes though, it’s the only thing to do. Jess is looking forward to her night out clubbing with her best friend, but her anticipation turns to dismay when she realises the venue is a BDSM club not the disco she’d envisioned. After a disastrous experience with the lifestyle in her past, she’s adamant she wants nothing to do with it now. David agreed to pick up his friend’s sister as a favour, and is surprised to find himself instantly attracted to the fiery Jess. The experienced Dom recognises Jess’ bluster for what it is—fear. There is no doubt in his mind that Jess is submissive, but getting her to accept that fact will take some doing. David is determined to help her, but it is up to Jess to accept. When Jess does give in to her secret desires, can she truly let go and be the sub David is looking for, or will she hold onto her secrets? At Diomhair you never know what will happen in the end.

02. Secrets Uncovered
Convincing your Dom that pregnancy doesn’t mean the end of all play will take some doing. Kath is horny and determined, but what does Jeff think? Pregnancy should be the happiest time of your life. What’s a sub to do, however, when her Dom won’t touch her? Kath can’t understand why Jeff is being so difficult. After all, she’s pregnant, not ill, and she’ll combust with sexual frustration if she can’t seduce Jeff into play. It seems she can’t. Jeff can’t help but worry over Kath’s health. It doesn’t matter what anyone, including the doctor, says about sex being okay, his mind tells him otherwise. It’s his duty to protect his sub, even if he’s giving himself blue balls in the process. He’ll do anything to keep her and their baby safe. With the two of them at an impasse, tension runs high, especially when the future of Diomhair is threatened by an unknown enemy. As they pull together to secure their home, and their workplace, can they also resolve their personal problems, or does pregnancy spell the end of their Dom/sub relationship?

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