Download Dino Island: Books 1-3 by J. R. Hogan (.ePUB)

Dino Island: Books 1-3 by J. R. Hogan (Dino Island Box Sets Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 625 kb
Overview: Dinosaurs tried to eat four of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen…

And things just got weirder from there.

A lifetime of academia could only get me to the starting line of the craziest journey of my life. We’ve discovered that time and space are more flexible than once believed, and now everything I’ve ever known has changed.

Well, almost everything.

I still know what I want, what I need, and what’s expected of me.

And that’s something no army, human or otherwise, can possibly stop.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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