Download Diamond Moon by B K Gallagher (.ePUB)

Diamond Moon by B K Gallagher
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 835 KB
Overview: On March 25th, 2087, four members of the NASA Copernicus mission landed upon the surface of Europa, a small moon orbiting Jupiter. With the support of a mining crew they risked their lives to uncover the most precious material ever discovered in the history of mankind.

Dr. Mara Parrish is part of a highly trained NASA team that is exploring Europa, a moon of Jupiter, looking for signs of life deep below its shell of ice. With the help of a deep-space mining vessel, they have drilled underneath the surface ice to an ocean of water. But when they send a remote submersible to investigate, they make a discovery that will completely upend the mission – and immediately pit the NASA team and mining vessel against each other. Suddenly, the most amazing scientific discovery in human history is balanced between greed, deception, and for Mara… the most unlikely chance at a new love. The two landing teams have turned on each other as their environment becomes increasingly hostile, but the mysterious denizens of this icy world may be offering clues for those that are willing to listen. Which crew will escape with the life-altering discovery before the moon destroys them all?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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