Download Devoran Telepaths’ Academy (Books 1-2) by Enid Titan (.ePUB)

Devoran Telepaths’ Academy (Books 1-2) by Enid Titan
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Overview:Enid Titan is a Central New York based author of debut novel Devor of The Alpha Quadrant Series, Book #2, Tau as well as the short story Virgin Earthling. When not hiking around Ithaca’s Gorges, binging on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine re-runs and doing yoga, Enid is plotting out more juicy science fiction romance stories. You can learn more about Enid on
Genre: Fiction > Romance


Wicked Telepaths
She’s the first human to ever attend the Vortha Academy on Devor.
After first contact, Earth’s climate crisis reaches its climax.
With a planet in crisis, human girl Poppy Darden remains Earth’s only hope.
She takes her chance on a distant ice planet, hoping to unlock secrets to save her homeworld.
Three brawny, muscular, blue-alien males notice her…

Bonded Telepaths
She should have never opened the door…
Upon Poppy’s return to the terrifying ice planet,
Her three alien mates succumb to their need for her.
They promise that nothing will ever come between them again…
An older student threatens that plan.
He’s dark, demented, and determined that Penelope doesn’t belong.
An incident on the deadly Devoran tundra pushes the harem bonds to their limit.

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