Download Detective Hercules by A.C. Rose (.ePUB)

Detective Hercules by A.C. Rose
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 880 KB
Overview: Detective “Herc” Hercules Andrews is on paperwork detail due to an injury so he is a little bored working the desk and answering phones in his Manhattan police precinct.

All of that changes, when early one morning he takes a call from a woman with a sultry, sexy voice who needs assistance. Not the standard call he is used to―she needs first-aid advice. During their conversation, something draws him in. Instead of referring her to 911, he tries to help and arranges medical care. He goes beyond the call of duty when he visits her that night.

Lizzy Harper is a radio dating expert with a controversial drive-time show. Her job is to share juicy, single-in-the-city tidbits from her love life on air every day. She is taken aback by her feelings for the detective who came to her rescue but she is under pressure to come up with new material. When details of her experience with the hot cop become the talk of her show the following morning, a controversy of epic proportion ensues.

To save face for the police department, and save his job, Herc is forced to go undercover – as her boyfriend. During his assignment, sparks fly between them, but he discovers Lizzy has more than just fans. Someone has a sinister motive.

He promises to protect her.

Can Herc uncover the threat and keep Lizzy safe? Will he still have a job when the assignment is over? Will Herc’s undercover assignment become personal and permanent?
Genre: Romance


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