Download Deprivation by Jesse Sprague (.ePUB)

Deprivation: A Dark Fantasy Horror (The Drambish Contaminate Trilogy) by Jesse Sprague
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.7 Mb
Overview: A dismembered hand, pits of snakes, and no escape in sight. Claudia has woken to a chilling new reality.
Raised amidst the technology hating upper class on the planet of Yahal, Claudia dreads the dull future lined up for her as a sheltered wife, hidden away from the universe. The only joy she finds is in stolen indulgences—passion, secrets, and games played in the safe shadows of the night. But when her forbidden indulgences in flesh and freedom are discovered, she finds herself abducted and stranded with nothing but her wits for defense.
Locked in a vast space-dungeon filled with lethal traps, Claudia’s survival is uncertain. An unseen, sinister force wishes to mold her into an obedient and chaste woman or see her dead. A proper Yahal girl would probably succumb faced with starvation, spike pits, and decaying chambers filled with decomposing corpses. Claudia’s passionate instincts steer her in a different direction: defy fate and survive. Claudia must break free from her prison and teach her captor that she is a predator, not prey.
Escape the darkness. Embrace strength. Experience Deprivation today.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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