Download Demon’s Throne Series by K.D. Robertson (.ePUB)

Demon’s Throne Series by K.D. Robertson (Demon’s Throne #1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 576 KB
Overview: Rys awakes to the smell of blood and nearly two thousand years of dust. Maybe he overslept a little too long. Once, he was a great champion and general in the demonic empire that ruled the world. Now, he’s been erased from history. He’ll need to remind the world of the price of forgetfulness. Now is the time to build his own empire, as the ancient powers of his time are long gone. Rys has an archipelago to conquer, women interested in extending their bloodline with him, and a mysterious labyrinth that holds the secret to why he was sealed away to begin with. But a contract with Hell is eternal. His old employers want to turn him into their pawn, and Rys must become powerful enough to remain free. That’s not a short to-do list. But half the fun of taking over the world is the challenge.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Demon's Throne Demon's Throne 2 Demon's Throne 3
1. Demon’s Throne
Rys awakes to the smell of blood and nearly two thousand years of dust. Maybe he overslept a little too long. Once, he was a great champion and general in the demonic empire that ruled the world. Now, he’s been erased from history.He’ll need to remind the world of the price of forgetfulness.Now is the time to build his own empire, as the ancient powers of his time are long gone. Rys has an archipelago to conquer, women interested in extending their bloodline with him, and a mysterious labyrinth that holds the secret to why he was sealed away to begin with.But a contract with Hell is eternal. His old employers want to turn him into their pawn, and Rys must become powerful enough to remain free.That’s not a short to-do list. But half the fun of taking over the world is the challenge.

2. Demon’s Throne 2
Rys is still shaking dust from his hair after a thousand years of sleep, and he already finds himself in a two-front war. The sorcerers of the Malus League are summoning a demon lord, while his northern neighbor marches south. Now that Rys has claimed a kingdom, he needs to keep it.Naturally, he’ll expand his territory while crushing his new enemies.Behind the scenes, the many spy networks of his opponents wage a continuous war. Rys gets his hands on his own spymaster, a pliable and energetic fox who is desperate to prove herself. The other nations want to manipulate him to their own end.But he is nobody’s puppet. When it’s all over, he will stand atop the archipelago as its greatest power.Demon’s Throne is an empire-building series with violence, undefined relationships, beast girls, and scenes that don’t fade to black. Consider yourself warned.

3. Demon’s Throne 3
Hell knows that Rys is awake, and his old employers are keen to enforce his original contract. But there’s a key difference between now and the last time he worked for them.They’re stuck in Hell while he reigns in Harrium. He has no plans to serve his former masters.But despite the infernal powers circling him like vultures, Rys has unfinished business he needs to resolve. The Malus League retreated to lick its wounds after their confrontation with him, but he lacked the power to crush them once and for all. That needs to change and to do that he must reinforce his armies and construct alliances.If only the foxes from abroad would stop meddling in his affairs. Rys has enough on his plate without it being smothered in fluffy tails all the time.Demon’s Throne is an empire-building series with violence, undefined relationships, beast girls, and scenes that don’t fade to black. Consider yourself warned.

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 16th January 2023. Thanks to John)

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