Download Delay of Game by Mimi Kinley (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

Delay of Game by Mimi Kinley (The Kacey Brothers Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 541 kb
Overview: Scarlett

I’ve spent nearly half of my life hating Wyatt Kacey. He is the man that ruined my brother’s college football career and muscled him out of the NFL draft—the reason he’s now the back-up to the back-up Quarterback on the worst team in the league. All while Wyatt rides his high horse, still at the top of the league after fourteen years.

As a sportswriter, I can hardly spit the vitriol I want about him daily, but I have been known to be less than kind to Wyatt Kacey throughout both our careers. I’ve always felt comfortable in that, as if I can somehow make up for what he put my brother through one word at a time.

That is, until my job puts me in Wyatt’s direct path. The man tempts me in the most infuriating way and no matter how much I fight it, I begin to discover that maybe, just maybe he isn’t the monster I thought he was. And that maybe I’m not losing my heart to the villain of the story, but the hero.


After fourteen years in the NFL—all without a Super Bowl ring—I can feel that this is our year. After a minor surgery put me out early last season, the extended rest combined with a new quarterback coach has me feeling like I’m in my twenties again.

In fact, I haven’t been this excited about a season in ages. Until I run into sportswriter Scarlett Hanes at a fundraiser. It’s no secret that she despises me, and for the most part I never let it get to me. But meeting her face-to-face turns me upside down in a way I’ve never experienced and the need to understand why she hates me is suddenly the most important thing in the world.

I have to get to the bottom of it. For me, for my sanity, for my season. And most worryingly—my heart.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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