Download Defenders of the Rim Box Set (1-5) by Randal Sloan (.ePUB)

Defenders of the Rim Box Set by Randal Sloan (#1-5)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1.9 MB
Overview: The Galactic Empire is in Grave Danger! Can a group of young heroes find a way to save the galaxy and survive? Now all together Book 1 – 5 of the Far Future Series. How many times can young Jarra and her special team find a way to do the impossible? Will it be enough in the end to save the galaxy? At what price? The first five books in the Far Future Sci-Fi Thriller series. These far future sci-fi thrillers take place in a world that combines science that just might be possible many years in the future with a Galactic Empire, rebels and aliens.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Beginnings
The Galactic Empire is in grave danger and apparently unaware of what’s coming. Our young heroes must discover the evil plot, warn the galaxy, and still somehow survive!
Young Lieutenant Jarra Carsean, newly graduated from the Rim Patrol Officer Candidate School, is given a small ship and a crew of misfits, straight out of District Specialist Training. Can their young team come together and survive their first mission, a mission that becomes a much more difficult and risky endeavor than anyone suspects it will be? What they discover has huge ramifications for the whole galaxy and they will have to use every skill their team has to survive.
Jarra carries with her a big secret that might well jeopardize her team or it may save them all and the Galactic Empire too.

2. Badlands
The Galactic Empire is once more in grave danger. Our young heroes are again called upon to save the Empire, but unbeknownst to them, the fate of all life in the galaxy may well depend on them.
This time they must survive the Badlands, an area of space with crazy energy streams and twisted space with rogue moons and debris scattered within. Each member of our young team must grow in abilities and in strength of character. That’s before we throw in the rebels, the aliens, and the pirates they’ll have to battle once again if they are to survive.
Unknown to our friends, there’s more than one group of aliens interested in the outcome of their struggles. They’re followers of the Prophecies left by the Forerunners. Prophecies in particular about the One, the human with the yellow hair, and her growing group of friends and team members. If she does not survive, all hope will be lost.

3. Borjon
Our favorite Crown Princess Jarra and her Rim Patrol team must travel to the planet Borjon to meet their alien allies. What looks like a straightforward and simple diplomatic mission turns out to be much more. They learn they must go on a critical but dangerous journey into enemy space while there. What they discover on this mission could change the future for the entire galaxy, but it could possibly be their most dangerous mission yet. Will our young friends find a way to survive and change the very nature of the war they are fighting? Whatever they do, it may well come at a great cost.

4. New Earth
A handful of Imperial Marines on vacation at a leisure resort, along with three girls who are the Protectors for their city block and a forensic accountant on her first assignment, are all that stand between an alien uprising and total destruction. In Defenders of the Rim: New Earth, set in the Far Future universe, our favorite Crown Princess Jarra and her Rim Patrol team are not the only heroes. Yet the events that take place on this single planet could have galactic importance!

5. Barriers
The fate of the galaxy still hangs on a knife’s edge. Intent on destroying all biological life in the galaxy, will the evil Aerstone begin their campaign against the Galactic Empire? Only a handful know the possible future and stand against them, our Crown Princess Jarra and her team, the Borjon and Octarian monks, and the Forerunner AI Adrihel. Will their efforts be enough or will the galaxy be plunged into darkness?
Even if the Aerstone assault is postponed, what awaits in the future may be bleak for our Princess and her family. Can she find a way to save those she loves?

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