Download Deep Learning from Scratch by Artem Kovera (.ePUB)

Deep Learning from Scratch: From Basics to Building Real Neural Networks in Python with Keras by Artem Kovera
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.5 MB
Overview: This introduction will help you develop a good understanding of deep learning completely from scratch
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices Computers & Technology > Programming


This book covers:

Introduction to machine learning and deep learning
Math for deep learning explained to the layman
How neural networks work: a general overview
Activation functions in deep networks
Loss functions
Weight initialization and batch normalization
Overfitting and underfitting and methods to overcome them in deep neural networks
How to evaluate deep learning models
Introduction to transfer learning with deep neural networks
How to set up optimal hyper-parameters for deep models
Convolutional neural networks
Recurrent Neural Networks
Adversarial neural networks
Deep reinforcement learning
Introduction to the Keras API for Deep Learning
Introduction to Keras Callbacks
How to build a simple deep neural network for image classification with Keras
How to build a neural network for regression with Keras
How to build a convolutional network for image classification with Keras

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