Download Death at the Abbey by Anita Davison (.ePUB)

Death at the Abbey by Anita Davison (The Flora Maguire Mysteries Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 721 kB | 2023 Reissue
Overview: Even the most glamorous stately homes hide secrets and lies from the past…
When Flora Maguire receives an alarming telegram informing her of her father’s tragic death in a riding accident, she races back from London to her childhood home.

But when Flora and her new husband, Bunny, get to Cleeve Abbey – where she was once Governess to Eddy, Viscount Trent, and her father was butler to Earl Trent – it’s all is not well.

Flora’s intention was to bury her father next to Lily, her mother, who sadly passed away when Flora was a small child. But it turns out that a mystery surrounds the whereabouts of Lily’s final resting place.

No-one is willing to talk. And, with her father now dead in what seems like a suspicious accident, Flora must now strive alone to uncover hidden family secrets. And a terrible betrayal with the power to change everything…

A cozy mystery, perfect for fans of Agatha Christie and Downton Abbey, and set in the glorious Cotswolds landscape.

Previously published as Murder at Cleeve Abbey.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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