Download Dead Man Walking by Quinn Buckland (.ePUB)+

Dead Man Walking by Quinn Buckland
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 629 KB
Overview: “The streets of Red City are busy with people with nowhere to go. While The Legion of Twelve, the twelve major corporations in the city, managed to keep the significant effects of The Depression from entering Red City, joblessness and the dour faces of the hopeless line the streets. There’s nothing anyone can do for them, and they know it.”

Thomas Baxter is a drunk, a crumb, a dead hoofer, and one of the best damn flatfoots in Red City. With The Great Depression ravaging the city, he can’t afford to turn down a case.

When a murder case goes awry, Detective Thomas Baxter finds himself in a bind to uncover secrets that reach the heart of human existence and a mystery that consumes him to his very soul.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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