Download David (Getting Home #1) by Sean Marsh (.ePUB)

David by Sean Marsh (Getting Home #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 468 KB
Overview: While on a business trip on the other side of the country David’s life gets turned upside down by the end of the world. With chaos raging all around David must use whatever and whoever he can to try to get home to his family…

In this new dystopian environment how much of David’s humanity is he prepared to lose just to survive and get home? Will there even be anything or anyone waiting at home if he gets there?

Following a real-life route David must grapple with the end of the modern world and the anarchy that ensues. From urban environments, through suburbia and into the wilderness David must rely on his skills and wit to survive the journey home.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy | Post-Apocalyptic | Dystopian


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