DATA: (The Primordial And Infinite Swamp) by William Houze
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.5 MB
Overview: Data is just that – data–or is it? Data has been around since the Big Bang. Data was recognized, manipulated, and at many levels understood by thinking men and women in the sciences, in mathematics, and in philosophy down through the ages. From the birth of the scientific method (±1600 BCE), Data was subjected to empirical analysis, testing, verification, and strictly limited in its use in terms of meaning of dare, Latin for “to give, present, what is given— (the main forms being: Do, Dare, Dedi, Datus).” Think Euclidean proofs in geometry, where it is “given that this follows that, which is the logical progression and orderly presentation of reasoning from the axiom to the proposition or theorem, e.g., the Pythagorean theorem. Well and good in the evolving realm of abstract and applied Empiricism: data was understood, manageable, and used according to strict rules; inferences were based on those rules and were subjected to the scientific rigors of proof by replication and objective recording of results until all doubt about the data used in the experiments resulted in concurrence that the data was proved out.But it is a very different story today in the world of data as it is used—or misused– in and by the “Enterprise.” Think Big Data. Think roughly 2.5 quintillion bytes of new data added to the massive volume already created and digitized since the digital computerization of data began in the late 1950s. Think layers of programming needed to “manage, store, mine, and present” big data for human review, for machine review.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Tech & Devices
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