Download Darklanding Omnibus by Scott Moon, Craig Martelle (.ePUB)+

Darklanding Omnibus (1-3) by Scott Moon, Craig Martelle
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI /AZW Reader, 1.2MB
Overview: A frontier world. One Sheriff. And all the action one Spaceport can’t hold. Darklanding is the wild, wild west of known space. Sheriff Thaddeus Fry will never completely leave the battlefields of Centauri Prime. His assignment as the Sheriff of Darklanding, could be a do-nothing job, or it could get him killed.
Genre: Fiction; Sci-fi/Fantasy


#1 – Assignment Darklanding
The first thing he learns is that his predecessor’s headquarters were bombed, creating the vacancy that led to his appointment. The Company Man, is not who he expected, to say the least. His new accommodations are right in the center of Darklanding’s misfits. He finds one native of Ungwilook willing to talk to him and tries to make him a deputy. What really matters on Darklanding, are the mines.

Faced with a dangerous collapse that could kill hundreds of workers, he leaps into action and gets the story of Darklanding started.

#2 – Ike Shot the Sheriff
A frontier world. One Sheriff. And all the action one Spaceport can’t hold. The more Thaddeus Fry learns about Darklanding, the more he realizes he doesn’t know. Every day is a fight. The Company Man is little help. The moon-eyed madam. The purveyor of the Mother Lode. A parade of miners and workers. And Thad’s Unglok deputy.

There’s unrest among the miners. Desperation sets in for the Company Man. One wrong decision will destroy her career. The sheriff doesn’t care about any of that. There are strangers in town. One or all of them may be enemies. And how does a mysterious runaway fit into the picture?

Assisted by his friends and a strange pig-dog-thing that won’t stop following him, Thaddeus Fry must bring law and order to a frontier world completely unconcerned with justice or fairness. Gunfights solved problems. Or they didn’t. This time his adversary is stacking the deck against him to make sure Darklanding fails completely. Thaddeus fought a war in a harsher place against a more determined foe, but Darklanding is giving Centauri Prime a run for its money.

#3 – Outlaws
How does a train robber take down an automated supersonic bullet train? A frontier world. One Sheriff. And all the action one Spaceport can’t hold. Unrefined ore is moved by a state of the art mono-rail from the mines to the spaceport. It’s never gone off the tracks. Until now.

What kind of crew is crazy enough to mess with SagCon’s investments? Who has the training and the tech to pull off this kind of heist? Unprocessed ore is difficult to remove from the planet, but maybe there’s another reason for a crack unit to hit the train. Thad is on his own to figure out the crime and bring the perps to justice, even after a SagCon Special Investigator shows up. The SI has his own agenda, and it has nothing to do with the train robbery.

Where will the tendrils lead? Solving the crime may not bring peace and order back to Darklanding…

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