Download Dark Pleasures by Amanda McIntyre et al (.ePUB)

Dark Pleasures by Amanda McIntyre, Charlotte Featherstone, Kristi Astor
Requirements: ePUB Reader | Retail, 256 KB
Overview: Guard well your desires
what ere’ they may be
for the Dark Lords scour the night
looking for thee…

Centuries-old legends tell of enchanted forests, said to house otherworldly beings who hold court in the deepest, darkest part of the woods. During the festival of Samhain, when the veil between the realms of reality and wonder grow thin, the Dark Lords are relentless in their carnal quest to dominate a maiden’s soul.

FRANCESCA: An enigmatic suitor with drugging kisses offers an ageing opera star all she has longed for: a dazzling career and a lifetime of unbridled passion, but she may choose only one…

CELESTE: With the festival of Samhain drawing near, a peculiar restlessness hovers over a young maiden, drawing her ever deeper into the night woods where a fallen angel seeks to claim her…

MADELINE: Imprisoned in a loveless marriage, Lady Briarton yearns for escape with a passionate stranger, but her unearthly saviour is not what he claims to be..
Genre: Erotic Romance


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