Download Dark Kingdom series by Aron Lewes (.ePUB)

Dark Kingdom series by Aron Lewes (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.3 MB
Overview: I was eight years old when I wrote my first short story. It was about a little boy sitting next to his ghost father (essentially my first School for Spirits story). I was shocked when it made my mom, aunt, and sister cry. From that moment on, I realized I was a writer. I wanted to make other people laugh and cry.

Since then, I’ve written countless fantasy, science fiction and paranormal books. (seriously, I’ve lost count). I’m elusive, I’m reclusive, and I’m as awkward as a writer can get, but I hope my strange imagination entertains you.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal

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Fiendish Prince (#1)
In a twisted kingdom, slaves toil on “human farms,” where their blood is harvested for their vampire overlords. One such overlord is Oskar, a fiendish prince and torturer. Prince Oskar always gets what he wants, and when he sets his eyes on Adeline, his cousin’s latest captive, he decides to make her his mistress.

Caught in the clutches of the wicked prince, Adeline despises Oskar for the cruel fate he’s forced on her. As their tumultuous relationship unfolds, Adeline grapples with conflicting emotions of hatred and an inexplicable attraction. Can she see through the veil of darkness surrounding Oskar and discover the truth behind his actions? Or can he not be redeemed?

The Only Lady Knight (#2)
After the vampires shatter their fragile treaty with the humans, a day of reckoning dawns. Betrayed by the bloodthirsty fiends that enslave their people, the human lords rally a militia to strike back. Shanda, a mayor’s tomboyish daughter, is unexpectedly thrust into a leadership role. But it’s a role she doesn’t want, and she certainly isn’t prepared for it! How can she possibly lead a militia?

Meanwhile, the violet maid has seemingly vanished, and the stakes have never been higher. If King Isaak finds Lady Adeline, the consequences could bring about the end of the world. With that threat looming, have the humans taken on more than they can handle? And what has become of Oskar, the fiendish vampire prince?

Where Demons Dwell (#3)
The world has ended. Demons walk the earth, obliterating everything they touch. Both humans and vampires are reduced to lifeless “husks” by the demons. It’s a fate more horrifying than death itself.

Lady Adeline has lost everything. She’s returned to her manor in Meyton, her demolished hometown, where only her manor remains. Joslun, Shanda, Melia, and others have taken refuge within the manor… but how long can their sanctuary endure in a ruined world?

Who will die, who still lives? All will be revealed in the twist-filled conclusion to this dark fantasy romance series.

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