Download Dark Duet by Peter Cheyney (.ePUB)

DARK DUET (Dark #1) by Peter Cheyney
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 0.62 MB Retail
Overview: Kane looked at her appreciatively. ‘I don’t know whether anybody’s ever told you, but you’ve got the swellest pair of legs I’ve ever seen, ‘ he said. Valetta looked at him sideways along her dark eyelashes. He thought she was very beautiful; her mouth delicate, sensitive, almost tremulous. He could look at it for hours on end. It was that sort of mouth . . .’
The British, once they take the gloves off – once they forget to play cricket, to be English gentlemen – they are the toughest things on earth, ‘ says one German espionage agent to another in Dark Duet. And the trouble with Michael Kane, hero of this spy thriller, is that he never plays cricket with Nazi spies . . .
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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