Download Daring the Duke of Marble by Daphne Byrne (.ePUB)

Daring the Duke of Marble by Daphne Byrne (Bluestockings Ruined Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 678 kB
Overview: “The man of marble begins to crack. I suppose he is human, after all.”

Lady Elaine Cobber, a sworn spinster, gets into regular spats with the Duke of Carterville. And the worst thing is that his carefully curated mask of indifference never cracks. So, her friends wager Elaine to make the Duke show five emotions: Anger, Disgust, Jealousy, Happiness and Sadness.

What she never expected was the heartless Duke bending to her every whim. Or the heartbreak she sees on his face when she tells him they cannot be together…
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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