Download Daniel Marchant series by Jon Stock (.ePUB)

Daniel Marchant series by Jon Stock (#1-3)
Requirements: Epub reader, 1.20 Mb
Overview: Jon Stock is a British Author and journalist. He was educated at Sherborne School in Dorset and at Magdalene College, Cambridge. He lives in Wiltshire with his wife and three children.
Stock left the Daily Telegraph in 2010 to write fulltime. He has worked in India as a foreign correspondent, and has also lived in Cochin, Kerala, where he worked for The Week magazine.
The movie rights to Dead Spy Running, a spy thriller published by HarperCollins in July 2009, were acquired by Warner Bros and the film is currently in development. Stephen Gaghan and Jamie Moss have written the script. McG and Kevin McCormick are producing.
Dead Spy Running has been published in five languages and is the first in a trilogy. Games Traitors Play was published in 2011 and Dirty Little Secret was published in July 2012.
Genre: Thriller


1. Dead Spy Running
Daniel Marchant, a suspended MI6 officer, is running the London Marathon. He is also running out of time. A competitor is strapped with explosives. If he drops his pace, everyone around him will be killed, including the US ambassador to London. Marchant tries to thwart the attack, but is he secretly working for the terrorists?
There are those in America who already suspect Marchant of treachery. Just like they suspected his late father, the former head of MI6, who was removed from his job by the CIA. Marchant is treated like an enemy combatant – rendition, waterboarding – but he has friends who are disillusioned with America’s war on terror. Friends like Leila, his beautiful MI6 colleague and lover, and Sir Marcus Fielding, the new Chief who resents the White House’s growing influence in Whitehall.
On the run from the CIA, Marchant is determined to prove his father’s innocence in a personal journey that takes him from Wiltshire, via Poland, to India. It was here that the former MI6 chief once met with one of the world’s most wanted terrorists, and where the new President of America is shortly to visit. But was that meeting proof of a mole within MI6 or the best penetration of Al Qu’aeda the West has ever had? And was Marchant’s father the keeper of another, darker secret?

2. Games Traitors Play
Salim Dhar is the world’s most wanted terrorist. After he narrowly failed to kill the U.S. president, the CIA is under pressure to hunt him down. Echelon, the West’s intelligence analysis network, is in meltdown, monitoring all channels for the faintest trace of Dhar. But no one can find him. Only Daniel Marchant, renegade MI6 officer, knows where he is.
Marchant pursues Dhar up into the Atlas Mountains outside Marrakech, where he sees an unmarked military helicopter take off and head east. Is someone shielding Dhar to perpetrate an act of proxy terrorism on the West? Or is the CIA right when it claims to have killed him?
To discover the truth, Marchant must be recruited by Moscow. It’s a role that will require him to believe his late father was a traitor, an allegation that he fought long and hard to dispel. Now he must rekindle those rumors and confront dark truths about his own loyalties.
As Britain braces itself for an airborne terrorist attack, Marchant is about to discover that treachery is the greatest game of all.

3. Dirty Little Secret
The "special relationship" between London and Washington is in tatters. Salim Dhar, the world’s most wanted terrorist, has disappeared after an audacious attack on an American target in the United Kingdom. The CIA believes Daniel Marchant, renegade MI6 officer, was involved. But Marchant has a bigger secret: Dhar has agreed to work for MI6, promising to protect Britain from future terrorist atrocities. He has also asked for something in return: Marchant must help him with a final strike against America. Will the UK sign up to this Faustian pact or hunt them both down?
In Dirty Little Secret, a high-octane finale to a trilogy that will appeal to fans of Alex Berenson and Olen Steinhauer, Marchant wrestles with his conscience and the question: Does loyalty to one’s country come above all else, whatever the price?

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