Download Dancing With the Devil series by Nicole York (.ePUB)

Dancing With the Devil series (#3-4) by Nicole York
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: Nicole York is a woman that loves the thrill of suspense. Whether that be flipping upside down on a roller coaster or sitting on the edge of her seat watching the latest thriller movie, she’s all in. If you see the sports car on the freeway flying by you, take a pic, because you probably just saw her!!

She is the one that always figures out the plot in the movie and comes up with the ending that no one else ever saw coming. It just serves her right that now in the books she writes sometimes the characters take the book a direction the author had not planned on.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Contemporary

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Drowning in the Deep (#3)
The woman I’m falling for betrays me, and when I ask her to prove she’s loyal to me, and only me, she hesitates to do so.
If she’s not willing to do exactly what I ask her to do to prove that she’s on my side, she may as well be dead to me.
As things heat up between the rival factions within my own syndicate, as well as threats from the outside, I can’t let her distract me
It’s either me or her family.
She’ll prove whether or not she’s with me once and for all if she finally agrees to the task I demand of her.
Help me kill her father.

I am falling hard for Daemon, my dark angel, and I need him to know that.
But I’m not a killer.
As much as I hate my father, taking his life would turn me into a monster—which is exactly what he is.
My father is doing everything he can to make me change my mind—including torture and bloodshed.
The final straw that would make me end the bastard’s life?
Killing the man I love.
Would my father go that far and put a hit out on Daemon?
If he does, he will be the next to die—by my hand.

Sweet Revenge (#4)
Shot in the chest, bleeding, dying.
That’s how she found me, lying on the floor.
My angel. The woman I once thought had betrayed me.
Instead, she saved my life.
Now, I will do anything to protect her.
Even if that means killing my own family members.
The syndicate used to mean everything to me.
Not anymore.
She’s the one thing in this life that matters.
I’ll stop at nothing to make sure she’s safe and can finally live the life she deserves.

I almost lost him.
I’ll never forget how it felt to see my dark angel bleeding out all over the bakery floor.
He’s back now and stronger than ever.
Together, we’ll squash every threat that rises against us.
Even when those threats include my own father.
If I have to kill him myself, I will.
Then, my dark angel and I can finally fly away from this terrible life.
And finally be free.

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