Download D-Day Through German Eyes by Jonathan Trigg (.ePUB)

D-Day Through German Eyes: How the Wehrmacht Lost France by Jonathan Trigg
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.4 MB
Overview: Everyone is familiar with the story of D-Day and the liberation of France by the Allies: a barbaric enemy was defeated by Allied ingenuity, courage and overwhelming military force, helped by dreadful German command errors and the terrible state of Wehrmacht forces in the West – but is this all true?

Berlin knew the invasion was coming and had had years to prepare for it. So how did the Germans view the impending invasion and campaign, did they feel ready, what forces did they have and could they have done better?Previous histories have focused on the ‘clash of the generals’; the battle between von Runstedt and Eisenhower, Montgomery and Rommel, but on the German side in particular this was a battle that would be fought by divisional and regimental commanders; the ‘German D-Day colonels’ upon whom the real business of trying to defeat the invasion fell – it was they and their men, outnumbered and outgunned, who somehow held Normandy for ten whole weeks against the greatest seaborne invasion force ever assembled, and occasionally even came close to defeating it.In the end they lost, and the majority of these unsung leaders ended up killed, wounded or captured in the fighting. As for their men, they ranged from Waffen-SS stormtroopers through to bewildered teenagers, old men, ‘recycled’ invalids.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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