Download Czechoslovakia: Crossroads & Crises by Norman Stone (.PDF)

Czechoslovakia: Crossroads and Crises 1918-88 by Norman Stone & Eduard Strouhal
Requirements: .PDF reader, 31.6 MB
Overview: The essays are devoted to the four “eights” in Czech history: 1918, when the Republic was founded; 1938, when its western parts were handed over to Hitler; 1948, when the Communists took power; and 1968, when an effort to create “socialism with a human face” was crushed by Soviet tanks.

With four maps and eight pages of photographs.

Norman Stone was a Scottish historian and author, who was a Professor in the Department of International Relations at Bilkent University, Ankara. He is a former Professor at the University of Oxford, Lecturer at the University of Cambridge, and adviser to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History > Politics > War


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