Download Cut From The Earth by Stephanie Renee Dos Santos (.ePUB)

Cut From The Earth by Stephanie Renee Dos Santos (The Tile Maker #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 666 KB
Overview: In 1755, the famous Portuguese tile maker Pêro Manuel Pires is empathetic to a fault. He is dedicated to freeing slaves with the proceeds of his art and hiring the freed to work in his tile factory, triggering rage and repercussions from a competitor.

Pêro harbors a female artist whose risqué creations keep the shop’s works in demand by Lisbon’s elite. The success of her designs does not sit well with one of Pêro’s longtime workers, bringing him and his loved ones under the menacing eye of the Inquisition, with threat of imprisonment and closure of his shop.

Risking his life and liberty, Pêro is determined to push forward. But on All Saints Day, November 1st, Portugal is struck by earthquakes, tidal waves and massive fires, and Pêro loses what is most dear to him. Will he escape? Or stay to fight for freedom and the future?
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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