Download Crown Of Betrayal by Melusine Ashford (.ePUB)

Crown Of Betrayal by Melusine Ashford
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.9 mb
Overview: You know those bedtime stories your mom used to tell you? The ones where the prince would slay the dragon, save the princess, and they lived happily ever after?

Well, this isn’t one of those stories.

The truth is, I never felt right, growing up in this kingdom.

The walls felt too confining, the windows never let in enough light, and my father never seemed like he really wanted me.

My name is Zaida. I am a Fae and Princess of the Kingdom of Shadow.

As the last ember falls from a kingdom that once was, all that’s left is to see just how deep the betrayals of those we loved really ran.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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