Download Crimson by R.W. Fisher (.ePUB)

Crimson by R.W. Fisher (The Red Plague 1)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 978 KB
Overview: Learning to survive this fallen world, avoiding the mutilated corpses inhabiting interstate 5 and its surrounding cities, is a lot like surfing. Some learn slowly, first mastering the shallow waves, while others are thrown into the depths and forced to tread water.
Eighteen-year-old Bobby Stratton will never forget his first encounter. He was rubbing the thigh of his longtime girlfriend, scratching up and down her distressed denim. The final minutes of their 4th period biology class was drawing near when the piercing sirens ensued. The door hinges snapped, and without warning, they became submerged in the blood of their peers. They were…eating each other. Entrails splashed upon whiteboards and innards covered their wooden floors like fresh chum.
Bobby peered from beneath his desk, unaware of what led to such mutilation, and was met with the unforgettable sight of his former teacher. His once innocent, blue eyes, now blanketed with a crimson sheet.
Carnage hit their school in a wave. Only the quickest and most adept were able to escape the bloody riptide.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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