Download Cosmic Connections series by Barbara Huffert (.ePUB)(.PDF)

Cosmic Connections series by Barbara Huffert (01-03)
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Overview: For Barbara Huffert, reading has always been a favorite pastime. A few years ago, she started her first novel after one of the friends she trades books with challenged her to write something better than the last book they read. Barbaraʼs been writing ever since. With her opinionated cats sprawled wherever is most inconvenient, she now spends her time happily wandering through the worlds of her characters.
Genre: Erotic Romance

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01. Questing
Jordan McKade knows Kiley Fisher is his destiny the second he sees her. She, however, needs a lot more time to accept it. The last thing he wants to do is scare her away before she’s ready and it takes more self-control than he ever thought he possessed not to blurt out how desperately he wants her. Kiley’s problem isn’t that she doesn’t want him. It’s that she’s intimidated by the super-sexy Jordan, with his overwhelming business success and his voice, which is so sinfully sensual she’s ready to come every time he speaks to her. When a no-good crook uses Kiley in his nefarious plans to save his own ass, Jordan comes to her rescue, which finally lands them in a setting where they can no longer resist each other. And the chemistry that’s been slowly building between them ignites in an inferno of passion.

02. Chaos
Chaos Barbara Huffert Cosmic Connections, Book Two. When Shane McKade wakes up trapped in a bed, handcuffed to Alyssa Campini, he figures things could be worse. She aggravates him to no end but sex with the sassy photographer is smokin’. Alyssa met McKade while photographing street gangs, and the hot cop has been a thorn in her side ever since. His only redeeming feature is an ability to deliver twenty-four orgasms in twenty-four hours-if he can stop arguing with her long enough, that is. Then Shane is shot protecting one of Alyssa’s gang kids. When both find their lives in danger, perhaps it’s time to stop fighting and start evaluating what they mean to each other…before it’s too late.

03. Condemned
Nivea has suffered once through a loveless, passionless marriage and refuses to do so again. Set to wed in two months time, she overhears Gaius Ovidius joking with his comrades how she shall never please her intended, who is well known for possessing unique desires. Nivea forms an idea . . . If Gaius knows so much about the pleasures to be had in her marriage bed, then she shall have the handsome centurion instruct her accordingly. Initially set against her plan, Gaius eventually agrees. After all, how difficult could this be? Nivea has offered him a substantial sum in exchange for his lessons, and she is quite comely. Not an arduous task to bed a beautiful, lonely widow. It should have been a simple business transaction, a mutually pleasing but brief affair. Yet Gaius never wagered Nivea would steal his heart. Now just days before her wedding, Nivea will be forced to choose-abandon a life of security with her intended for a lifetime of happiness with Gaius . . . a man who can offer her nothing except his love.

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