Download Dark Fate Series by Stuart Grosse (.ePUB)

Dark Fate series by Stuart Grosse (#1-16)
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OverviewStuart is a sci-fi and anime geek, who dabbles in tabletop and video gaming. He enjoys cosplaying and has gone to DragonCon annually since 2009. Frozen Soul is his first book.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

Dark Fate: Book 1 - A New Fate
1. Dark Fate: Book 1 – A New Fate
The world ended.Well, the world as we knew it ended, replaced by one with a System, with levels and hit points and stats. A world where monsters spawned and preyed on the weak. A world where men became monsters to stand against them.The Black Knight was one such monster of a man, facing down the hordes with his loved ones and allies. Together, they struck down many powerful warlords and monsters, to protect the people. But, at the moment of his greatest triumph, he was betrayed by his lover and his closest friend, struck with a cursed blade that would end him once and for all. But he refused to go quietly.The explosion cast him back in time, in the body of his former self, before the System Apocalypse began. And, in that moment, he thought about the life he had led. He had been a hero, a Black Knight to stand against the darkness. All that had earned him was betrayal and death. If that was the case, then he would become the darkness, itself, and bend it to his will.His new fate may be a dark one, but he will never be betrayed like that again!———————-Author’s Note: This is a story set in a world where everything we knew suddenly got turned upside down by a System coming online. This is not a tale of heroics. This is the tale of a man who has chosen to throw away his humanity and embrace his inner demon, to put himself beyond betrayal. This story features cursing, gore, enslavement, mind control, non-consensual acts, and more. If you were hoping for a tale of a white knight in the midst of the apocalypse, you’re going to be disappointed. If you have triggers, consider this your warning.

2. Dark Fate: Book 2 – The First Night
The System has come online, and, with it, the world has been changed forever.Zayn Greene, using the knowledge he gained from his former life as the Black Knight, a hero who slayed the Demon Lord, has become a demon himself in this new world, hoping to break the chains of fate that bound him in his last life. Now, as the first night falls upon the new world, what will happen to him, and those he chooses to take under his wing?He may have phenomenal power, but that is only for someone of his level. He will need to get stronger still if he is to be sure of survival. For goblins are the least of the worries this new world has in store.

3. Dark Fate: Book 3 – Settling In
Only a couple days into the System Apocalypse, and Zayn Greene already has a trio of lovely ladies in his newfound harem. Now, however, it is time to check out his the property he won from a rival Slave Master, and see what it will take to turn the house into a base of operations. Because the Apocalypse is only just getting started, and Zayn knows that there is more bad news on the horizon.

4. Dark Fate: Book 4 – Romero
A month on from the System Apocalypse turning the entire world on its head, Zayn Greene is thoroughly enjoying his second time through the apocalypse. However, there’s a problem at the mall downtown. Namely, the mall has become a dungeon, and is full of zombies. So far, they haven’t managed to escape the mall, but no one is eager to add a zombie apocalypse on top of all the other problems going on. Which is why, as one of the highest leveled people in the city (that isn’t tied into the System’s workings, at least), the police have asked him to brave the dungeon, and make sure that there isn’t any way for the undead to escape.It should be a simple enough task, thanks to Zayn’s cheating abilities and knowledge from his last time through. But will everything play out the way he expects it will? Or will he and his pets be in for a bigger challenge than they realized?———————-Author’s Note: This is a story set in a world where everything we knew suddenly got turned upside down by a System coming online. This is not a tale of heroics. This is the tale of a man who has chosen to throw away his humanity and embrace his inner demon, to put himself beyond betrayal. This story features cursing, gore, enslavement, mind control, non-consensual acts, and more. If you were hoping for a tale of a white knight in the midst of the apocalypse, you’re going to be disappointed. If you have triggers, consider this your warning.

5. Dark Fate: Book 5 – Consultant
Having rescued the people trapped within the undead dungeon that sprang up in the Lenox Square Mall, and gotten a healthy chunk of XP in the process, Zayn Greene and his ladies are approached by the Atlanta Police Department to help them with their investigations. But the first case they bring him hits uncomfortably close to home for the former Black Knight, reminding him of one of his first defeats in the old timeline. Will this time through be different? Or will he be doomed to repeat his past mistakes?———————-Author’s Note: This is a story set in a world where everything we knew suddenly got turned upside down by a System coming online. This is not a tale of heroics. This is the tale of a man who has chosen to throw away his humanity and embrace his inner demon, to put himself beyond betrayal. This story features cursing, gore, enslavement, mind control, non-consensual acts, and more. If you were hoping for a tale of a white knight in the midst of the apocalypse, you’re going to be disappointed. If you have triggers, consider this your warning.

6. Dark Fate: Book 6 – Lesser Evil
Zayn Greene, former human and hero turned into a demon with his second time going through the apocalypse, has started making a name for himself as a consultant with the Atlanta police, using his advanced skills and abilities, as well as his knowledge about the workings of the System, to help them with threats beyond their capability to handle. So far, he stopped a rival demon propped up by an old enemy, ending the mad alchemist’s horrible experiments. But the world is far from a safe place, and there are more dangers out there. So, when a call comes in from a nearby police department calls him in to help solve some missing persons cases, he figures it will be another case like the last, of putting down some nutjob who can’t handle the changes wrought by the System.If only it were that simple.———————-Author’s Note: This is a story set in a world where everything we knew suddenly got turned upside down by a System coming online. This is not a tale of heroics. This is the tale of a man who has chosen to throw away his humanity and embrace his inner demon, to put himself beyond betrayal. This story features cursing, gore, enslavement, mind control, non-consensual acts, and more. If you were hoping for a tale of a white knight in the midst of the apocalypse, you’re going to be disappointed. If you have triggers, consider this your warning.

7. Dark Fate: Book 7 – Preparations
Time grows short for Zayn Greene, and his plans. The projected arrival of the first aliens after the System Apocalypse is only months away. In his last timeline (the last he remembers, anyways), the arrival of the pirates and slavers who first scouted Earth was the beginning of the end. The aliens, finding rich feeding grounds, called for their friends, and chaos ensued as rival warbands began invading and claiming parts of the earth, regardless of what their human slaves might think about that.Of course, Zayn has been through that before, and did not much care for the experience. But one man can’t stop the tide from turning. If he’s going to keep out of the hands of the warbands who conquered it last time, then he needs to buy time for the people of Earth to adjust to the System, and grow stronger, so they can help themselves. That means he needs to make sure that the first few scouts never report back.He’s got a lot of work to do, and not a lot of time to do it in. Fortunately, he isn’t alone. With his harem of pets, his daughter from an alternate future, and his growing force of enslaved minions, Zayn has help, this time through. But will it be enough?———————-Author’s Note: This is a story set in a world where everything we knew suddenly got turned upside down by a System coming online. This is not a tale of heroics. This is the tale of a man who has chosen to throw away his humanity and embrace his inner demon, to put himself beyond betrayal. This story features cursing, gore, enslavement, mind control, non-consensual acts, and more. If you were hoping for a tale of a white knight in the midst of the apocalypse, you’re going to be disappointed. If you have triggers, consider this your warning.

8. Dark Fate: Book 8 – Industrial
The first pirates to attack Earth have come, but quickly fell into Zayn Greene’s trap, before they could escape or warn others about the fact that Earth had defenders. That’s all well and good, but the next group to show up and start making demands might not be foolish enough to get caught in the trap, or they might bring more numbers, making the kind of sneak attack he used against this first group impossible to pull off. All he’s done is delay the day when the cruel universe knows about Earth, and what it has to offer, buying them time.But if all he’s done is buy time, then Zayn is determined to make the most of that time as he can. But this is beyond the point where he can do everything himself. He might have impressive powers in a melee fight, but brawling skills mean nothing when facing orbital bombardment, or when you are trying to take down an enemy fleet. To compete with an industrial enemy, he’ll need industry of his own.

9. Dark Fate: Book 9 – The First Test
Zayn Greene went back in time to change his fate. Along the way, he gathered slaves and allies, and built a base for himself. Now, with the first batch of pirates subdued, and his infrastructure in the process of being built, he needs to train up the forces that he’s acquired, and get them ready to take on the next group of pirates, whenever they show up. Because the first group will not be the last.However, moving so quickly meant that he forgot about remaining hidden, and his works have been spotted. Questions are being asked. And, out in the dark, a new force is on the move, now warned to the potential of danger around Earth. The first pirate was just a warm-up. Will Zayn and his people be able to survive their first real test?

10. Dark Fate: Book 10 – Unmasked
Zayn Greene and his people survived their first test. The pirate fleet lays in ruins, their ships either destroyed or driven off in a battle of shadows and sneak attacks. But there was no hiding the battle in the wider solar system from Earth, especially when pirate ships landed in cities all around the world.Now, Zayn and the newly formed Kingdom of Ceres have been forced to step out of the shadows and into the light. The mask is off, and questions are being asked. At the same time, Zayn knows that he needs to expand both his country and his military, or eventually a force will come that can’t be handled by ships launching sneak attacks. But will the governments from the world before the Apocalypse accept the rise of a new power, claiming the outer planets as their territory?

11. Dark Fate: Book 11 – Diplomacy
The Kingdom of Ceres has been revealed to the world. Moreover, a demonstration of their abilities while destroying a terrorist training camp in Libya has raised concerns around the world about the newfound kingdom’s capabilities. Turning a portion of the dessert to glass will have that effect, apparently.Now, it is time for the Kingdom of Ceres, a kingdom founded as a means to give its military legitimacy, to put aside the sword and take up diplomatic ties. But what will happen when Zayn Greene lays bare the truths of the wider galaxy to countries that have always fancied themselves major players. What will happen when they are forced to see that they are just big fish in a little pond, and the galaxy is not as nice a place as they might hope? What will happen when a Greater Incubus turned monarch has to try his hand at diplomacy?

12. Dark Fate: Book 12 – Kingdom
With the Kingdom of Ceres revealed to the world, and now open for immigration, the world’s eyes are all upon the new kid on the block. But what is life actually like in the newfound kingdom? How will people react to living in a new monarchy, in space, where the rules of the world they knew are left far behind? And with more ships detected on the way to Sol, what new troubles will this bring?

13. Dark Fate: Book 13 – Ulora 
First contact with an alien civilization not made up of pirates and savages has been made! Sure, that first contact came at gunpoint as the Ceres Royal Navy ‘politely’ asked a warship from the System Commonwealth to stand down while they handled an Incux hiveship that had decided to try and take Sol for their hive. Now, it is time to ensure that the Incux don’t have a base to assault Sol with, and potentially win allies for the Kingdom of Ceres.
What could possibly go wrong?

14. Quel’thalas – With the threat of the Incux at Ulora eliminated for the time being, the Ceres Royal Navy continues on its mission of delivering diplomats from Earth and Ceres to the Systems Commonwealth. From the front line of battle, they now go to the heart of the Commonwealth, and its capitol of Quel’thalas. How will the Commonwealth react to the Kingdom of Ceres, and the other countries who brought delegates? How will King Zayn Greene react to the Commonwealth? With everything going fairly well so far, is something about to go horribly wrong? Or will something go horribly right instead?

15. Tourist – King Zayn Greene came to Quel’thalas to try and get a peaceful introduction to the wider galaxy for Ceres. The rest of the solar system, too, but mainly for Ceres. Political grandstanding caused him to have to fight an honor duel, but that ended up advancing him to Tier 2, and giving him the class of Demon King, so he couldn’t really complain. But, what happens once all the trade deals are set in motion, and military agreements made? That much is obvious. It is time for the King (and Admiral) to give himself some shore leave, and play tourist. But is the Commonwealth ready for what happens when a Demon King goes out on the town?

16. Return – The Kingdom of Ceres and the Ceres Royal Navy led an expedition to the Systems Commonwealth capital of Quel’thalas. They rescued a world from the Incux, made diplomatic contact with a foreign interstellar power, and generally had a great deal of cultural exchange. But every trip has to come to an end, and a King cannot stay away from his throne forever. Especially since things back home did not just stop when he went adventuring.
The only question is, how many fires will the Demon King have to put out, and how many will he make worse?

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 29th February 2024. Thanks to Sph1nks)

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