Download Consensual series by Livia Jamerlan (.ePUB)

Consensual series by Livia Jamerlan (#1-3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 557-978 kb
Overview: Though Livia kept a journal throughout her early life, she never thought about pursuing a career in writing. She always used it as form of therapy, pouring her heart out into words. It wasn’t until a story developed in her head that she decided maybe she could write a book.
Genre: Romance

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Consensual (#1): Braelynn Wolf is focused on two things: work and law school. That is how she survives. That is how she’ll make a difference. Until she meets HIM. Peyton Haas is sexy, dangerous, and forbidden. The defense attorney on Braelynn’s first legal case is the only man who can cloud her judgment. Unable to stay away, she finds herself lying to everyone around her so she can spend time with the man who makes her feel things she never felt before—things she never dreamed possible. With the legal case hanging on a thread, can Braelynn ignore the relationship she has built with Peyton? Or will she succumb to the man who has the power to throw away her future?

Coherent (#2): That is how she survives. That is how she’ll make a difference. Until she meets HIM. Peyton Haas is sexy, dangerous, and forbidden. The defense attorney on Braelynn’s first legal case is the only man who can cloud her judgment. Unable to stay away, she finds herself lying to everyone around her so she can spend time with the man who makes her feel things she never felt before—things she never dreamed possible. With the legal case hanging on a thread, can Braelynn ignore the relationship she has built with Peyton? Or will she succumb to the man who has the power to throw away her future?

Contingent (#3): Braelynn and Peyton are finally headed down a path without torment—until he allows someone else to come between them.
With the remnants of her broken heart scattered, Braelynn begins to piece herself back together, piece by ragged piece. Peyton has dark secrets of his own. Secrets that leave him no choice but to walk away from the only woman he’s ever loved. But his desire for Braelynn has him fighting between what he wants, and what he needs to do to keep her safe. Love can only withstand so much. The connection between Braelynn and Peyton has been tested before—could this be their breaking point?

Download Instructions:
#1-2: 978 kb

#3: 557 kb

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