Download Confessions of a Smutty Romance Author by Kelsie Hoss (.ePUB)

Confessions of a Smutty Romance Author by Kelsie Hoss
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 708 kB
Overview: Confession: I’m known for writing the best happily ever afters… but I’ve never been in love.
Writing about love and intimacy and everything in between is my job, and my readers love me for it. But faking it is never good–in writing or in bed.

My career is going better than ever with one of my books being turned into a movie, but by the time my first live interview is over, so am I. Not only did I admit to never being in love, I said love was–and I quote–a purely fictional concept that only exists in books.
Now even my most loyal fans never want to read another book I write, let alone watch the movie.
My agent says I only have one option to save my career (aka the one true love of my life).
I need to fall in love. And not with a book boyfriend this time.
As if that’s even possible.
Even though I’ve been a wordsmith my entire life, all I can come up with is a five-word fragment:
Biggest disaster of the century.
Genre: Romance


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