Download Collected Fiction by Milton Kaletsky (.ePUB)

Collected Fiction by Milton Kaletsky (ed. Jerry eBooks 2021)
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Overview: "… College beckoned. In a total of six and a half years, I learned a mess of physics, mathematics and assorted other junk, collected a couple of degrees; spent a hectic year as editor of the College Humor magazine during which time I had to try to make $300 pay for $500 worth of printing each month, and did it too. (Maybe they ought to make me Secretary of the Treasury.)
At present, I amuse myself and annoy the editors by writing stories and articles. Also I’m trying to join the United States Weather Bureau, since I am an amateur meteorologist…"
Milton Kaletsky
From Introducing the Author in Fantastic Adventures, May 1940
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Science Fiction, Science Fiction Digest, January 1933
The End of the Universe, Wonder Stories, April 1934
The Skylaugh of Space, Fantasy Magazine, May-June 1934
The Beam, Amazing Stories, September 1934
Paradox Plus Plus, Fantasy Magazine, October/November, October 1934
The Hormone, Astounding Stories, November 1934
A Mix-Up in Space-Time, Fantasy Magazine, June 1936
Revolt of the Ants, Amazing Stories, April 1940
The Wizard of Baseball, Fantastic Adventures, May 1940
Space-Ship Derby, Science Fiction Quarterly, Summer, July 1940
The Ray of Hypnosis, Amazing Stories, July 1940
X-Ray Murder, Amazing Stories, September 1940
The Planet of Errors, Amazing Stories, December 1940
Star of Blue, Science Fiction, March 1941
Homer Higginbottom, Rain Maker, Amazing Stories, June 1941
Heavy Cargo, Science Fiction, September 1941
Election Campaign on Saturn, Amazing Stories, July 1942

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