Download Clerics of the Light – Alpha Team by Deakon Reeves (.ePUB)

Clerics of the Light – Alpha Team by Deakon Reeves (The Revival Team Series Book 1)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 312 KB
Overview: What is more devastating than an EMP blast?
More destructive than a Super Volcano?
Or more debilitating than an all-out Cyber Attack… and even Biological Warfare?
No apocalyptic event killed America. It was more sublime – and all around us before we cared to notice.
Decades and decades of Moral Decay. ‘Unchecked.’ ‘Unfettered.’ An erosion of common decency. Until finally … it was too late.
Feigning freedoms. No more protections. No more justice. Just a split nation with a corrupt shell of a government that has it’s own sinister agenda.
So is all lost?
No- not yet.
There are those who would turn things back. Soldiers and Scholars. Modern day Psalmists and Priests. Men and Women- They are: ‘REVIVAL TEAMS.’
Self appointed fighters for the cause,
Reviving that which has been lost.
Why bother? Why not just submit?
They do it for God… They do it for country… They do it for all that is Right and Holy.
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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