Download Classified Material by Ally Carter (.EPUB) (.MOBI)

Classified Material by Ally Carter (Gallagher Girls #4.5)
Requirements: EPUB or MOBI Reader, 123kb
Overview: Only Ally knows the secrets that lie within the world of the Gallagher Girls.

And the biggest secret of all? In Out of Sight, Out of Time, the fifth installment in the Gallagher Girls series, Cammie “The Chameleon” Morgan has awoken in an alpine convent with one very important thing missing — her memory. So what happened to Cammie over the summer? Did her friends manage to find her before it was too late?

Click here to access a classified short story from Ally Carter, broken into ten parts. We’re releasing a new part each week, so keep coming back to get the full scoop, for Gallagher Girls eyes only!

Come back every week for another new piece of the puzzle as the mystery begins to unfold…and don’t forget to pick up your copy of the newest adventure on March 20th, available as a book and eBook.
Genre: Fiction, Chick Lit


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(All links as of November 05, 2014)

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