Download City Wolves Series by Milly Taiden (.ePUB)

City Wolves Series by Milly Taiden (1-3)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 957 kb 332 KB
Overview: Milly Taiden (also writes as April Angel) was born in the prettiest part of the Caribbean (to her) known as the Dominican Republic. Currently, she resides in New York City with her husband, bossy young son and their little dog Speedy.
Genre: Romance


1. Twilight Chosen – Annika Sharp has two goals in life. She needs to take back her family business from her evil stepfather, and she has to protect her beloved family home. When the sexy Banks Amana gets all roped into her plans, Annika knows she’s in trouble… Then she witnesses a murder, redefining what trouble means.
Banks Amana, an alpha wolf shifter, runs his family’s multiple business ventures. He likes order and quiet. He doesn’t need to plan for the future. No mate or kids will mess up his peaceful existence. A chance meeting with his mate turns his world upside down, again and again, until he has to make a choice: Annika or peace.
Thrown together by circumstances, Annika and Banks want two very different lives. Will they realize they need each other? Or will the fated mates let their differences tear them apart?

2. Dusk Bitten – Wolf shifter and loner Navy Amana doesn’t want much out of life. A few good books and a quiet place to read to his heart’s content. When his family sends him on business to San Diego, Navy isn’t pleased. But a chance meeting with his dream woman changes everything…
Karina Sai is furious that her father is selling their family business. She seeks solace in her beloved bookstore only to meet the most intriguing man. Ever. After an incredible day – and night – with Navy, her luck seems to change for the better. But, of course, things aren’t that simple.
Navy and Karina might be fated mates, but their connection is severed by misunderstandings and family jealousy. Someone is out to stop their happily-ever-after before it can even begin.

3. Midnight Mated – Iver Amana is a simple wolf shifter. All he wants is to promote good nightclubs and liven up the New York City party scene. He doesn’t want a mate or a family. His older brothers have a monopoly on that anyway. Of course, all that changes when he sees a bachelorette dancing in his club. He has to let her, his mate, go before he ever has a chance to be with her.
Jovi Duke hasn’t had a good year. After catching her fiancé cheating with her maid of honor the night before her wedding, she rebuilds her life. She focuses on her teaching career. How was she to know that her student’s uncle – the one interested in funding a community outreach program would be the sexy stranger she once danced with?
Iver and Jovi are destined to be together – if only they give into the attraction between them. But more, their stubborn streaks threaten them. Before their romance has a chance to bloom, secrets and jealousy might take away their opportunity at the love of a lifetime.

Download Instructions:

3. Midnight Mated

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