Download Chronicles of the Overworld series by Licia Troisi (.ePUB)

Chronicles of the Overworld series by Licia Troisi (#1-#3)
Requirements: Epub reader, 3.95 Mb
Overview: Licia Troisi was born in Ostia, a little place by the sea near Rome. She’s been passionate about writing since her childhood. She took classical studies at high school and studied astrophysics in the university. She started to write her first trilogy, Cronache del Mondo Emerso (Chronicles from the Emerged World), at the age of 21.
She got married in 2007 and is currently a PhD student in Rome. Music, movies and comics are among her interests.
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult


Nihal of the Land of the Wind (Chronicles of the Overworld #1)
An international bestseller from an extraordinary storyteller—get ready for Nihal and her world
Nihal lives in one of the many towers of the Land of the Wind. There is nobody like her in the Overworld: big violet eyes, pointed ears, and blue hair. She is an expert in swordplay and the leader of a handful of friends that includes Sennar the wizard. She has no parents; brought up by an armorer and a sorceress, Nihal seems to be from nowhere.
Things suddenly change when the Tyrant takes charge. Nihal finds herself forced to take action when she is faced with the most difficult mission a girl her age could imagine.
Fierce, strong, and armed with her black crystal sword, Nihal sets out to become a real warrior. Readers will be riveted as she forges her powerful path of resistance.

Sennar’s Mission (Chronicles of the Overworld #2)
Nihal joins the most prestigious chivalric order of the Overworld: the Dragon Knights. Sent to complete her training, she finds herself up against a determined and valiant gnome, an Oarf named Ido. The encounter shakes Nihal’s certainties; suddenly, she realizes that there are those who fight for higher ideals than mere revenge. At the same time, she is forced to face her shadowy past and solve the mystery of a stone that seems to have tremendous power.
Meanwhile, Sennar is promoted to the Council of Sorcerers, which leads the resistance against the Tyrant in the lands that are still free. Sennar is sent to the Underworld, a watery realm about which very little is known, to request military aid. It is an almost hopeless mission. Together, Nihal and Sennar must try their hardest to emerge victorious.

The Last Talisman (Chronicles of the Overworld #3)
Nihal wakes in the forest, a talisman heavy around her neck. Her armies are scattered, she is sick with fever, and the Tyrant’s grip on the Overworld is tighter than ever. This blue-haired girl, the last of a vanished race of half-elves, is a Dragon Knight, one of the greatest warriors in the land, but the forces of darkness are aligning against her.
Using black magic, the Tyrant has found a way to raise fallen soldiers from their graves and force them to do his bidding. But if Nihal can find the eight stones missing from her talisman, she can rid the world of magic and restore peace to the Overworld. With the help of her closest ally, the sorcerer Sennar, she begins the mission that will lead to glorious victory—or certain death. Nihal has the power to save the Overworld from destruction, but can she save herself?

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