Download Chocolate Truffle Mystery by Naomi Miller (.ePUB)

Chocolate Truffle Mystery by Naomi Miller (Amish Sweet Shop Mystery, #5)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 781 KB
Overview: Katie Chupp is not the only person in Abbott Creek looking forward to the most romantic holiday of the year. . .

But Valentine’s Day will not be all hearts and flowers. There are secrets to be kept, feelings to be explored, and difficult decisions to be made — and each one has something to do with the heart.

Will those secrets come between friends? Will the happy couples in Abbott Creek get to celebrate. . . together? With the demand for sweet treats fierce this year. will the Sweet Shop’s baker find time for romance?

And will one young woman be able to live with the choice she must make on the most romantic day of the year?
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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