Download Chimera King Box Set (1-3) by Atlas Kane (.ePUB)

Chimera King Box Set by Atlas Kane (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: Choose a Class – Win your Girls – Reclaim the World. Cade Clarke spends his last night on Earth drinking with an old Army buddy. When he decides to risk his life to defend a gorgeous bartender, he pays the ultimate price. Resurrected to Antinium, Cade finds himself thrown into a world where the very rules of reality have shifted. He chooses a unique class, customizes his soul weapon, and levels up to unlock vital skills, traits and attributes points in order to survive. Cade’s chances for success are minimal until he finds his destiny intertwined with a group of sexy women, who will help him build a village and fight his foes beside him. They must grow strong enough to overthrow an evil tyrant. Or die trying…
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror



    1. Rebels of Last World
    2. Champions of Last World
    3. Rulers of Last World

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