Download Children of Doro by M L Clark (.ePUB)

Children of Doro by M L Clark
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 534kb
Overview: Have you ever made a ship’s AI proud? Really, truly proud?

Captain Alastri has.

She’s a child of Doro, a frontier world governed by a temperamental AI that represents the thoughts and feelings of all its citizens.

Never heard of it? Well, it did get destroyed, which is where her ship’s AI steps in, to regale us with how Alastri’s past led directly to this catastrophe.

When Alastri was 17, she witnessed a failed mediation between the ever-wronged citizen Ceres and Doro’s governing AI. That day didn’t just reveal a range of competing philosophies. It also led to treason, the loss of her ship, and the destruction of her home 25 years on.

Connecting the dots from that day is the only way Alastri can hope to prevent further disaster for her system. And yes, this she does, most splendidly—at least, if you can believe a ship’s ridiculously proud AI.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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