Download Child of Chaos: House of Dolls Spinoff by Harmon Cooper (.MP3)

Child of Chaos: House of Dolls Spinoff by Harmon Cooper
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 446mb
Overview: What if I told you they weren’t real? That Amethyst and I didn’t have to hunt them? That everything would be okay?
Who am I anyway? Just because I’m part of the Protectorate, a superpowered military unit raised from childhood by the State, doesn’t make me any different from you.
But these things? These things we’re hunting? These things are different.
They’re not like you and me. They can devour you and me, turn us into something we wouldn’t wish upon our worst enemies.
And if you don’t let me do my goddamn job, our country will never be the same again.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction


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