Download Chaos Unchained: The Mad Smith by Brock E. Deskins (.ePUB)+

Chaos Unchained: The Mad Smith (Quantum Mortalis Book 1) by Brock E. Deskins
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.2MB
Overview: What would you do if you found out your entire life was a lie? What if the entire world was simply an illusion, forced to relive the same nightmare again and again just for someone’s entertainment? That was life in Mortalia…if you were an NPC.

Every morning Jandar Barati, a simple blacksmith’s apprentice, woke up, worked at his forge, and experienced the most soul-shattering pain imaginable. It was enough to drive a man mad if he were to remember it all after being reset the next day.

Edison Pushard wrote the code for the world’s first fully immersive VRMMORPG using the only quantum computer in existence to create an entire virtual world, and he was its god. That is, until the mega gaming corporation took it away from him when their need for profit clashed with his vision.

Unable to abide by his corporate sponsor’s demands to make it another cookie-cutter MMORPG, Edison bestowed one last divine gift upon his world—mortality.

Having partaken of Edison’s forbidden fruit, Jandar became aware…and he remembered. With the chains of his scripted existence sundered, Jandar could forge his own destiny, and there was only one thing he wanted—to destroy the world.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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