Download Chains of an Empire 1 by Cassius Lange, Ned Castor (.ePUB)

Chains of an Empire 1 by Cassius Lange, Ned Castor
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.8 mb
Overview: Caught in the crossfire between the greatest civilizations in known space, mankind struggles to keep up with the titanic armies that shape the battlefields of our Galaxy. It is only through great sacrifice and some of our greatest weapons, the Technomancers, that we remain relevant on the galactic scene.

Decades of nanite-treatments and war made one such Technomancer, Sergeant Richard Stavos, into a one-man army capable of using Techno Magic to summon bots that are able to destroy small armies or keep him protected with their near-indestructible bodies. After fighting a long, bloody war, he met the same fate as all the others he served with: death. The reward for his loyalty was a new lease on life, but only as every other normal human without any access to what made him special. But getting used to civilian life isn’t all that easy, even less for a man like Stavos who already had a taste of that sweet power.

Despite the Federation’s great war efforts, humanity has been recalled into service when the hegemony wrestles control over Detera, a planet locked in war for centuries over the most precious and crucial resource in the known galaxies: virilian. It is the one thing allowing the Federation to keep up with the Hegemony.

Reinstated at his previous rank, Sergeant Richard Stavos is given a new squad of his own: Layla Alexeyeva, a street-smart Brawler class, and Leo Madrigo, a support-class Ranger-Medic. They are shipped across lightyears to face the Argos yet again. Stavos has a lifetime of experience, but with his power gone, he will have to use all his smarts to keep himself and his new squad members alive.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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